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I am The Greatest Designer On This Planet!


At least, according to my husband!

My husband is quick to tell anyone and everyone who will listen about my wonderful work, incredible designs, and my amazing creativity!

This of course, warms my heart. He is my biggest fan. And I am so lucky for him to support my dream!!!

Two tone kitchen cabinets with waterfall edge, zeus extreme quartz, open floor plan.
Two tone kitchen cabinets with waterfall edge, zeus extreme quartz, open floor plan.

BUT - this also makes me think...what makes someone think you are THE BEST at what you do?

Take my wonderful husband, for example: When he says I am the greatest interior designer, he truly means it. WHY?

Most likely, because he loves my design style.

Master Bedroom with blue accent 3D wall, marble floors, gray walls.
Master Bedroom with blue accent 3D wall, marble floors, gray walls.

Not every couple is always on the same page when it comes to home design style. Just watch one or two episodes of HGTV's House Hunters, and you'll know what I mean.

But in case of JC, as many call him, he loves my modern look, crisp designs, and minimal clutter. He always loves (well, mostly) everything I pick out, and will only argue once in awhile with my choices.

Living room design monochromatic, pop of teal color, open floor plan, white floors
Living room design monochromatic, pop of teal color, open floor plan, white floors

Luckily, I always win (at least when it comes to interior design). I get to veto all his suggestions, because after all, I am THE DESIGNER!

When a designer or decorator designs interiors in the styles that they excel at, I believe those designs turn out the best. And when a client sees the work you do and they fall right into your design style niche - to them, you WILL be the GREATEST DESIGNER that ever walked on the planet.

This is because your interior design style appeals to your client's dreams, desires, and visions.

As they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I am the greatest designer within my niche, which is modern, contemporary, transitional. I usually throw in a touch of glam, just for good measure.

But if someone who is checking out my website and my portfolio loves Joanna Gaines and her farmhouse style and look, this client will probably bounce of my website before the seconds turn to a minute.

This is why I stay true to myself, true to my art (yes, design is art), and I design interiors that I find appealing, beautiful, and classic.

Although I can pull any design style in the world, I don't want to! I want to be recognized for my style, niche, and expertise, and I want my clients to know exactly what kind of a design they will get when they hire me.

So if you appreciate non-trendy interior designs, love classic looks that will last more than a season, and you love designs that are clean, crisp, soothing and relaxing - I am your designer!

I truly love what I do.

And I can't wait to design a home (or room) for you!

If you want to get started, check out my services and see if any of these work for you.

XOXO, Sonja



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